During rClass Jam reception pupils will lean to play different instruments across the half term. For this course they will have the opportunity to play a mixture of 5 different percussive and melodic instruments. Throughout the course the class will work on listening to each other to create a better performance, confidence building on different instrumentation, playing in unison, and hearing what sounds different instrumentation make. At the start of this course pupils will focus on rhythm and pulse. Melodies will be introduced through chimes bars and boomwhackers. With each pupil being responsible for 1 note, the class will slowly build up a melody to complete a short song.
Class Jam, taught across Keystage 1 will build on pupil's musical skills using 5 different instruments: Chime bars, African Drums, Boomwhackers Keyboards and percussion. Pupils will have the opportunity to switch instruments each week, so they are able to feel confident in how to play all the instruments by the end of the course. Pupils on the Chime bars, and keyboards will play simple, 1 part melodies, pupils playing the boomwhackers will accompany them playing chords, and pupils on percussion will play varying rhythms underneath. The course aims to have pupils playing different songs as a class orchestra. This course builds pupil's confidence in reading and following music as well as learning the important skill of listening to others when playing. These two key skills will help them in all aspects of music throughout their musical education.
Level 1 Class Jam will be taught to pupils in lower Keystage 2. This course involves pupils building on their musical skills using a range of melodic and percussive instruments. Pupils will play Chime bars, African drums, Boomwhackers, Keyboards and accompany with both vocal and instrumental percussion to recreate famous popular songs. With custom-made backing tracks to play along to, pupils will be able to swap instruments and experiment with playing melody, rhythm and accompaniment whilst improving their ability to perform within an ensemble.
Level 2 Class Jam will be taught to pupils in upper Keystage 2. This course takes pupils musical knowledge and directs it into creating a dynamic musical performance. Pupils will play Chime bars, African drums, Boomwhackers, Keyboards and accompany with both vocal and instrumental percussion to recreate famous popular songs. They will learn how dynamics, harmony and melody are used to convey emotions and themes within music and become confident in performing on multiple instruments within an ensemble performance.
Key stages: Reception, 1&2
Key stages: 1&2
Key stages: 2
Key stages: Reception & 1
Key stage: 2
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